Week 03 - Design Choices

One of the six most relevant elements to our folk game was actions. Essentially, our entire game of Ninja Tag fusion is based on actions from each player and the reaction from the "it" player. While other elements do play a large role the back and forth of our game is based on avoiding becoming the next "it" player or seeking out the next person to tag once you are the "it" player. That's how they're applied to our current version of the game but in a revision of it, I'd add an additional objective that the players running from the "it" player must accomplish while avoiding them. It would add another action and a better endpoint to the game.

Now another element I think is important to our game is Playspace, our game has to make a set boundary for this because it can expand way too wide if not stated before the game starts.  Sicart says, "A play space is a location specifically created to accommodate play but does not impose any particular type of play, set of activities, purpose, or goal or reward structure". The space that we set out for the game is meant to contain how far the game should spread out but shouldn't interrupt or change the gameplay itself, that should be done through the addition of obstacles and actions.

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