Week 13 - UX and Board Games

It’s important that you cut the fat with the UX elements in your game. Not only in explaining your game, but players learning while playing can become overwhelmed when tons of aspects have varying actions. So it’s important they’re clear and don’t overlap and contradict each other during actual gameplay.

One aspect Jason Schklar brought up was story or theme elements making sense in your game, for example Pirates as game pieces with treasure along the way. If you think of a quick gameplay element maybe a pirate landing at treasure makes them stop and check it out. It’s a gameplay element that makes sense and adds something to the board design and it’s usability in gameplay. 

A way I can see this implemented into Tar-Nation is outlaws ending up on a space where they meet up with the law for a duel of sorts, jailhouse on the board maybe and there is a piece when someone is present at the jailhouse or your free to pass without consequence.

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