Week 12 - Transparency in Board Game Design

The game I watched a how to play video on was Challengers.

The ways that Challengers maps to Johnson's notions of transparency are clear design setup. In this game before you begin there are variables that need to be set in order based on how many players there are, such as which number of mats will be in play, what specific side of the map players with a certain icon need to sit, and what cards they will be collecting throughout the game based on this icon. These are all set out very clearly and color coordinated to help players easily understand what goes with what. 

Each round the player must draw 5 cards from the deck listed on the tournament layout. An element of pre-luck in this game is out of these 5 random cards you draw at the beginning of each round you must discard either 3 or 4 of them and only keep how many is pictured on the card photo on the tournament layout, so players can choose to keep the cards they deem most valuable. 

There are rules that add to the meta of this game like the ability to re-draw your hand, but only being allowed to do so once in an entire round. So, players can determine when they deem the right time to trade in the hand they pulled for a new one and the presence of their opponent and when they've done the same can influence this decision. 

Ways that the board is transparent for view to all players is the value of power on cards is easily shown and the capture the flag mechanic makes it very clear of who is in possession of the flag currently.

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