Week 04 - Sports

Being absent Thursday I'm not sure if we were supposed to learn from a specific sport on Mr. Animate's channel, but I chose to learn about Club Throw. It is a sport that falls under the category of track and field events where participants throw a wooden club and the winner is whose club travels the farthest. This is an individual sport played by disabled athletes, where they throw a club that has a similar shape to a baseball bat, the club must weigh a minimum of 397 grams to be eligible for competition. Before the match begins Club Throw athletes are split into groups based on their level of disability. The target is for players to throw the club from a sitting position in a seat with a rigid frame.

Link to video: 

In the same way that Macklin & Sharp outline that videogames are typically split off into categories Club Throw is thrown into the Track & Field category for physical sports while in another category of participants being disabled. Not that it has much to do with Club Throw but Macklin & Sharp make the point that "Videogames are usually thought of in terms of genre—first-person shooter, puzzle platformer, survival, horror, and so on. This provides one way to make it easy for players to understand what a game is and for developers to operate within the conventions of expected play experiences. But this also has a couple of side effects—it treats games like categorized commodities rather than lived experiences" I think this can be true for the most part except for Open World games because they are just a world that can take elements and liberties from games of other genres and blend it all to feel like it matches the world its created in. Like GTA for example in its latest entry GTA 5 the overall genre is open world but there are mechanics for a third and first-person shooter, and even competent racing modes to make it a racer in some aspects. 

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